Aerobic Exercise


There are many methods of keeping fit, but none are as important as aerobic fitness.


Benefits of aerobic exercise

  1. Increased heart efficiency
  2. Increased lung efficiency
  3. Reduction in body fat
  4. Reduction in cholesterol
  5. Release of stress and tension

1 Heart efficiency

The Heart is a muscle which, like all other muscles, thrives on physical activity. It grows stronger with the right kind of exercise and weaker without it. A strong, trained heart can get more oxygen-carrying blood to your other muscles by beating faster and more powerfully. Muscles require oxygen to work and if they do not receive enough they quickly become tired. The ability of your heart to pump blood is critically important during exercise especially, if the activity is sustained.

2 Lung efficiency

Aerobic exercise increases the efficiency of your lungs and also strengthens the muscles that make the lungs expand and contract. Oxygen is collected by the blood as it passes through the lungs, and then carried to the working muscles. If your lungs are not healthy (for example, due to smoking) oxygen cannot be collected efficiently, reducing your ability to exercise for long periods.

3 Reduction in body fat

Many people are overweight through a lack of exercise, and obesity is a major coronary factor because it imposes extra work on your heart.. Regular aerobic exercise at a moderate intensity increases the rate at which you burn up calories, which results in a lower percentage of body fat. This can be achieved through a regular programme of aerobic activity lasting 20-30 minutes, three to five times a week.

4 Reduction in cholesterol

If you do not take regular exercise your body is more likely to produce more low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which leads eventually to heart disease. Physically active people appear to produce more of the higher-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, which scavenges the LDL "bad" cholesterol and transports it to your liver for disposal. Studies show that to produce a high level of HDL you need to jog at least 15 miles per week.

5 Release of stress and tension

High levels of stress are strongly linked with unnecessary tiredness, illness and premature heart disease. If you are highly tensed your body becomes chemically out of balance through the increase in stress hormones such as adrenalin. Aerobic exercise is nature's tranquillizer, and by re-distributing the stress hormones it brings the mind and body closer together for a natural feeling of well-being.

swimmingSwimming is a good aerobic exercise although, unlike this Royal Marine, you do not have to do it with a belt full of weights and a rifle.

The principles of aerobic exercise

1 Frequency

Beginners should work out aerobically 2-3 times a week, building up to 4-5 times a week for peak fitness.

2 Intensity

You should exercise hard enough to increase heart and breathing activity to between 60 and 80% of maximum capacity. Lower than 60% does not provide good training effect unless you are monstrously unfit. Higher than 80% takes you into anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise, which you will not be able to maintain for long periods.

3 Duration

To get the full benefits of aerobic exercise you will need at least 20 minutes of moderate/high intensity activity. This should increase to 30-45 minutes if you are very fit, and 45-60 minutes when you are at peak fitness.

4 Type of activity

The most effective effective activities are high intensity exercises including running, jogging, swimming, cycling and cross-country skiing. These activities place the necessary demands on your body and train your vital aerobic systems.



Last modified: September 03, 2000

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