Battle Fitness Programme

  1. What your body needs to succeed: an introduction to super fitness.
  2. How to test your Fitness
    1. Medical check
    2. Physical check
  3. Principles of fitness.
  4. Types of exercise for total fitness.
  5. Let's have a workout: starting a 10-week programme.
  6. The importance of warming up.
  7. Aerobic fitness - the key to peak fitness.
  8. Your heart rate for effective training.
  9. Muscle toning.
  10. The importance of cooling down.
  11. Stretching to develop an agile body.
  12. Circuit training techniques.
  13. How to start a jogging programme.

This programme is based on military principles, but is just as effective to the "civilian" who wants super fitness.

Before you embark on the rigorous training, you must first be medically screened and physically tested in order to assess your physical potential and ability to complete the training.

It will take at least 10 weeks of regular training and hard work to reach even a good basic level of fitness - but the rewards are many.

Generally, the aims are to develop total fitness, of which the main components are as follows: 

  1. Muscular strength.cycle
  2. Muscular endurance.
  3. Cardiovascular endurance.
  4. Flexibility.
  5. Mental alertness.

How would you measure up?




Last modified: September 05, 2000

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