

Your work-out is not complete without some simple stretching exercises. Besides being very relaxing, stretching helps enormously in preventing soreness and injuries.

Delaying the ageing process

As you get older, calcium deposits build up on the cartilage and surrounding tissues of your joints, which then become more difficult to move. People in sedentary jobs suffer even more as their bodies are not put through a full range of movement on a regular basis.

Inactive people also find that their muscles and connective tissue tend to shorten and their spinal column loses its elasticity, all this degeneration often leading to osteoarthritis. Regular stretching helps to delay this process.

How to stretch

The stretching phase is normally done at the end of the work-out when the muscles are thoroughly warmed up; this makes the process more effective. Make sure that your range of stretching exercises includes each joint and muscle group.

  1. The ideal "stretch and hold" period for each exercise is between 10-30 seconds.
  2. Enter each stretch in a slow, controlled manner without jerking or bouncing.
  3. Place the muscle in a position of maximum stretch. Breathe slowly and naturally to help relaxation.
  4. After a few seconds you will no longer feel the tension and the muscle can be stretched a little further. Stretch to the point where it feels good.
  5. Overstretching or holding for longer periods can cause pain, which is unnecessary.

Suggested exercises

Everyone has his own range of flexibility depending on his lifestyle and the amount of exercise he takes. So don't bother to compare yourself with others; unrealistic comparisons are de-motivating. Select from the following exercises that will specifically help you.

1 Shoulder Stretch

(a) Bring your elbow across your chest, pulling on your elbow with your opposite hand, and hold for 10-30 seconds.

(b) Using the same action, pull your elbow behind your head.

(c) Interlace your fingers behind your back and lift your arms up to the point of maximum stretch.

Do these exercises on both arms 2-3 times.

2 Chest Raise

Lie face down with your arms bent and your hands flat  on the ground under your shoulders. Gently raise your chest, keeping your pelvis on the ground, until your arms are straight. Repeat 5-10 times.

3 Cat stretch

Kneel with your arms outstretched and tucked close to your ears, with hands extended. Gently lower your upper body and push down on your arms. Repeat 5-10 times.

4 Elongation stretch

Lie face down with your arms and legs extended. Elongate your body, stretching your fingers and toes, for a complete body stretch. Repeat 5-10 times.

5 Hip flexor stretch

Place your knee on the ground with one foot in front, with your hands rested on the forward knee. Push your hips down and then change legs. Repeat 5 times on each leg.

6 Single & both knees to chest

Lie on your back with your head rested, your back flat and legs extended. Grasping one leg, pull your knee into your chest and hold for 10-30 seconds. Do both knees alternately and then both together. Repeat 5-10 times.

7 Back rolling

Sit with your hands around your knees and then gently roll up and down on your spine. Repeat 5-10 times.

8 Spine twister

Sit upright and place one foot over the other extended leg. While supporting yourself with your hand, use the other arm to gently apply pressure to the bent knee. Turn your trunk and look away as the action takes place. Repeat, using alternate legs, 5-10 times.

9 Sitting groin stretch

Sit upright with your knees apart and holding the soles of your feet flat together. Gently lean forward and lower your knees. Repeat 5-10 times.

10 Hamstring stretch

(a) Crouch with your hands flat on the ground and your knees inside your arms. Gently stretch your legs while trying to keep your hands on the floor. Repeat 5-10 times.

(b) Sit upright with one leg bent and your hands placed on your extended ankle. Gently bend your body forward from the hips. Stretch alternate legs 5-10 times.

(c) Sit upright with both legs outstretched and together. Bend gently forwards for 10-30 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.

Remember: By regularly stretching your body 2-3 times per week, you are making an important contribution towards peak fitness.



Last modified: September 03, 2000

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