10 week challenge


The 10-week challenge is designed for all levels of fitness, and does not require a gymnasium or special equipment.

The 10-week challenge

Exercise work-outs: Monday/Wednesday/Friday

Runs: Tuesday/Thursday 
Exercises Pull-ups Burpees Sit-ups Dorsal Press-ups Run
Level 1 (low)
week 1 4+4+4 15+15+15 15+15+15 15+15+15 15+15+15 2 mile run/walk
week 2 4+4+4 15+15+15 15+15+15 15+15+15 15+15+15 2 mile run
Level 2 (average)
week 3 7+7 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 3 mile run/walk
week4 7+7 20+20 20+20 20+20 20+20 3 mile run
week 5 7+7+7 20+20+20 20+20+20 20+20+20 20+20+20 4 mile run/walk
week 6 7+7+7 20+20+20 20+20+20 20+20+20 20+20+20 4 mile run
Level 3 (high)
week 7 10+10 25+25 25+25 25+25 25+25 5 mile run/walk
week 8 10+10 25+25 25+25 25+25 25+25 5 mile run
week 9 10+10+10 25+25+25 25+25+25 25+25+25 25+25+25 6 mile run/walk
week 10 10+10+10 25+25+25 25+25+25 25+25+25 25+25+25 6 mile run

Note- Remember to rest between sets. e.g. 7 pull-ups - rest - 7 pull-ups - rest - 7 pull-ups. Do the exercises in the order shown, and if possible work with a buddy so that you can motivate each other.

Dorsal Raise: 

dorsal raise

Lie in a relaxed manner on your stomach with your hands along your back and feet together.

Simultaneously raise your shoulders and legs in a steady movement then slowly lower them and repeat. Do not force your shoulders uncomfortably high.

The ideal work-out

The best combination of exercise for most people is aerobic training, combined with isotonic training and flexibility exercises.

Ideally, your exercise period would consist of:

  1. A warm-up (5-10 mins)
  2. The aerobic phase (20 mins)
  3. The cool-down (5-10 mins)
  4. Muscle strengthening (10-15 mins)
  5. Stretching (5-10 mins)

1 A warm up

Do light exercises to warm your body up and to increase the blood flow to the working muscles. Include some general mobility exercises that put your joints through a full range of movement.

2 The aerobic phase

During this phase you should start very gently and aim for long, slow, distance (LSD) rather than short bursts of intense activity.

You can walk, jog, cycle, row or swim. Most people like to jog because it is convenient and simple. The target distance for jogging are shown in the table, but you should decide on the distance you will do once you have completed the fitness tests.

The aim is to keep your heart and lungs working at a good steady rate. Don't be put off if you cannot achieve the recommended 20-30 minutes at first, but plan your programme according to how you feel. The aerobic phase is the most important part of the work-out.

3 The cool-down

Don't just stop after the aerobic phase; continue to walk around in order to re-circulate your blood and bring your body back to a normal balanced state. Some light arm exercises will help to send your blood, which has pooled in the legs, towards the upper body and the heart.

4 Muscle toning

These exercises need no equipment (except a pull-up bar, or loft ladders as I use) and can be done anywhere. Although most of you will want to start at the basic level, you can do more if you wish; your body will tell you when to stop. The most important thing is to do sessions at least three times a week.

5 Stretching

Always finish off by stretching your muscles and put your body through a full range of movement. This will help you to move freely and to maintain good body posture.


Email: yourpersonaltrainer@ic24.net

Last modified: September 05, 2000

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