Fitness Test Stage 2


Having satisfactorily completed the Stage 1 of the Fitness Test, you are now ready to go on to Stage 2, which will test the muscular endurance of your main muscle groups as well as measuring cardiovascular (heart and lung) fitness.

The Five Tests

  1. Press-ups
  2. Sit-ups
  3. Burpees
  4. Pull-ups
  5. 1.5 mile Run

1. Press Ups

The press-up is a measure of the endurance of the muscles used to extend your forearms.

Facing downwards, support yourself on your straightened arms with your hands directly under your shoulder joints, with your legs straight out and together.

Keeping your body straight, lower yourself until your chest touches the floor, then push with your arms until they are fully extended. This counts as on press-up. There is no time limit, but the press-ups must be performed continuously. Record the number of press ups you are able to complete..........


2. Sit Ups

The bent leg sit-up is a measure of the muscular endurance of your abdominal (stomach) muscles. These muscles are very important for maintaining good posture.

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your fingers interlocked behind your head. With your feet firmly in place, sit up so that your forehead reaches your knees. Keep your fingers interlocked, and make sure they come into contact with the floor on the downwards movement.

Record the number of sit-ups you complete in one minute..........


3. Burpees

The burpee (bend and thrust) is a test of muscular endurance involving many large muscle groups. It consists of rapid movements that involve changes in the body position.

Stand with your feet together and hands at your sides. Assume a squat position with your hands on the floor next to your feet. Thrust your legs to the rear, supporting yourself at the front with your hands. Bring your feet back to the squat position and then return to the standing position.

Record the number of burpees you are able to perform in one minute..........

burpee - start burpee - down to squat burpee - thrust legs back burpee - draw legs back to squat burpee - rise to stand

4. Pull Ups

The pull-up is primarily a measure of the endurance of the muscles in the arms that you use to pull your body upwards.

Hang down from a bar with your arms fully extended, then pull your body up until your chin is above the top of the bar. Then lower yourself until your arms are fully extended again. Do not raise your knees, and do not kick. This counts as one pull-up.

Repeat the process until you can no longer pull your chin above the bar. Record the number of pull-ups you are able to complete..........


5. 1.5-Mile Run

This test measures cardiovascular endurance, which is one of the most important factors of physical fitness.

For this test you must first measure an exact distance of 1.5 miles on a flat course. Run the course as fast as possible and record the time taken..........


Your fitness level

Well done! Now check the result of your tests on the table below and see how fit you are.

Fitness Level Press-ups



(1 min)


(1 min)



1.5 mile Run
High 41-50 41-50 31-40 11-15 <= 9 mins 
Average 31-40 31-40 21-30 6-10 9.1-10mins
Low 0-30 0-30 0-20 0-5 >=10mins



Last modified: September 05, 2000

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