Fitness Check


So you think you are fit? Most people do, but surveys show they usually overestimate how fit they are, partly because they compare themselves with equally unfit friends.

Why take a fitness test?

Physical fitness tests serve three main functions:

  1. The test provides you with an accurate assessment of your current fitness level.
  2. It is a great motivator to improve.
  3. It is a good indicator of the effectiveness or otherwise of your training programme.

The test is split into two parts. If you do not pass Stage 1, you are strongly advised not to progress to Stage 2 because of the possible medical risk involved. You should consult your doctor in this case.


Before taking the tests, make sure that:

  1. You are not suffering or recovering from a bout of illness.

  2. You have not consumed any alcohol within six hours of the test.

  3. You have not eaten, smoked, drank tea, coffee, or cola, within 2 hrs of the test.

Medical Questionnaire

Answer the following questions:

  1. Have you ever suffered from heart disease, high blood pressure or any other cardiovascular problem?

  2. Is there any history of heart disease in your family?

  3. Have you ever been troubled by unaccountable chest pain, asthma or bronchitis?

  4. Are you prone to headaches, fainting or dizziness?

  5. Are you recovering from an illness or operation?

  6. Are you currently taking any drugs or medication?

  7. Do you suffer from pain or limited movement in any joint?

  8. Are you extremely overweight or underweight?

  9. Are you over 35 and a newcomer to exercise?

  10. Do you have any medical condition that you feel may interfere with your participation in a fitness programme?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, you should consult your doctor before starting any vigorous exercise or taking this fitness test.

Medical Checks

Having read the questionnaire and read the warning you now move on to four checks:

  1. Resting heart rate (RHR)

  2. Blood Pressure (BP)

  3. Body Fat

  4. Step Test

Heart Rate

1. Resting heart rate (RHR)



Place the first two fingers upon the carotid artery in your neck and count the total number of beats in 15 seconds. Then multiply by four to give the total number of beats per minute.

Record the total number..........


2. Blood Pressure (BP)

You can get a blood pressure check from your doctor, local health club or a home unit. Record both the top (systolic) and bottom (diastolic) figures thus:




3. Body Fat

Pinch the fat at your waist and measure the width you are holding between your fingers. For every 0.5cm over 2.5cm, you are approximately 4.5kg overweight.

Record the figure ..........

Body Fat

4. Step Test

Step up and down on a 40cm high bench for five minutes at a brisk, steady rate.

On completion, sit down and take your pulse in your neck and count the number or beats for 15 seconds.

Record the figure ..........

Compare with the following chart:

No. of beats in 15 seconds

41-50 Below average
31-40 Average
21-30 Good
20 Excellent


Medical Check Results

  Acceptable Some Risk High Risk
Resting Heart Rate 72-80 81-90 90-100+
Blood Pressure 120/80 140/90 160/100
Body Fat 2.5cm 4cm 5cm
Step-up test 20-30 31-40 41-50+

 Only if you are in the ACCEPTABLE category for all four checks should you go on to stage 2 of the Fitness Test.

   onto Fitness Test Stage 2         



Last modified: September 05, 2000

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