

Millions of people all over the world jog every day.

Jogging has been defined as running a mile in more than 9 minutes, while running means doing a mile in under 9 minutes.

You don't need to run great distances. Running about 15 miles per week will give maximum fitness.

jogPlanning your Jogging programme

Don't do too much too soon, or you will hurt yourself. Follow these guidelines:

1 Frequency

To start with, try 2-3 jogging sessions per week. After about 10 weeks you may feel fit enough to increase this to 4-5 times per week (which is great for weight loss). The physiological returns on training every day are just not worth the extra effort.

2 Intensity

To start with, train at 60% of your maximum heart rate, increasing this to 70% when you feel ready and 85% when you get to peak fitness.

3 Duration

Initially you may only be able to work at your target heart rate for5-10 minutes. In order to get a good training effort, however, you need to be able to jog for 20-30 minutes per session. This can increase to 45-60 minutes when you are at peak fitness.

4 Type of activity

It is not necessary to stick to the same route - variety is the spice of life! Try to find soft tracks or grassy banks to absorb shock. By using various routes you will prevent boredom. As you get fitter you can tackle hills to provide more variety.

Jogging style


This is very important and should be constantly checked. The correct style will prevent over-use injuries.

1 Relax all muscles that are not directly involved in the running action. If you tense the muscles in your arms, neck and shoulders it would increase fatigue and cause an energy drain.

2 Hold your head comfortably: not tilted either too far forward or too far back, and not moving from side to side. Keep it as still as possible, looking about 10 metres ahead, to conserve energy.

3 Relax your shoulders and centre them directly over your hips, moving them naturally in co-ordination with your stride.

4 Swing your arms in a relaxed, comfortable motion across your body, with your hands loosely cupped.

5 Plant your feet in a natural, rolling movement from your heel to the ball of your foot, so that the final push comes from your toes.



Last modified: September 05, 2000

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