Types of Exercise


Before starting to get fit, you need to understand the different types of exercise and their place in a total fitness programme.

Cardiovascular (heart and lung) fitness will need to include elements of aerobic ("with oxygen") and anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise. Muscle toning fitness needs elements of isometric, isotonic and isokinetic exercise, which can be adapted to meet your training needs. In order to maintain a supple body, there should also be an element of flexibility, which you can achieve by various exercises.

You can combine all these elements to give you a very effective training programme designed to meet your specific needs.

press upTypes of exercise

1 Aerobic

During aerobic exercise, the amount of oxygen taken in and used by your body is sufficient to provide the energy you needs, and your pathways for producing energy become more efficient. Aerobic fitness improves your capacity to:

  1. Take in large quantities of air
  2. Forcefully deliver large amounts of blood to the muscles
  3. Carry oxygen in the blood to all muscle groups efficiently

2 Anaerobic

During anaerobic exercise, the amount of oxygen that your body is able to supply is less than the amount necessary to perform the task.

Anaerobic activity can be performed only for short periods since an "oxygen debt" is incurred, leading to a build-up of lactic acid in the bloodstream. Usually, the first two or three minutes of intense physical activity is anaerobic and then leads to aerobic exercise.

3 Isometric

An isometric contraction is a muscular contraction exerted against an immovable object, or against the contraction of another muscle or muscles. Isometrics are effective in increasing strength in specific muscles but are limited in terms of fitness.

4 Isotonic

Isotonic training involves a full range of movement through progressive strengthening exercises, with or without equipment; most common exercises such as calisthenics and weight training involve isotonic contractions. The most effective isotonic exercises are performed against high resistance, with few repetitions.

Isotonic training gives balanced muscular development because it is performed through a full range of movement, but does not provide much aerobic benefit and so should be combined with other exercises.

5 Isokinetic

Isokinetic or resistance exercises combine the principles of both isometric and isotonic exercises, and usually you need special equipment , as found in fitness or sports clubs. This equipment is designed to increase the amount of resistance as your muscle pressure increases.

6 Flexibility

Unless you regularly carry out flexibility exercises, your joints and muscles will lose their elasticity and become stiff. This can cause aching, particularly in the lower back.

Passive stretching exercises are the most effective; you stretch various muscles as far as possible and then hold them in position for varying periods.

Rules to remember

To make your fitness programme as successful as possible, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Regularity
  2. Balance
  3. Progression
  4. Overload
  5. Variety

1 Regularity

Regularity is far more important than the amount of exercise taken; unless you exert yourself regularly you will not succeed. An exercise programme can be considered as "regular" when it is carried out four to five times a week.

If you take strenuous exercise several days in a row, the glycogen (carbohydrate) stores in your body will be greatly reduced, so make sure you build adequate rest periods into your programme.

2 Balance

For total fitness, your programme must include every type of exercise.

3 Progression

You must train progressively and use all your muscle groups; do not try harsher exercises until you can do the easier ones.

4 Overload

Your body will adapt to the amount of stress you place upon it. You must work your cardiovascular and muscular systems up to at least 50% of their capacity to improve - this is called "overload". You should include enough overload to provide a challenge, but you should not become exhausted.

5 Variety

Include as much variety as possible in your programme; otherwise you may get bored and lose interest. Fitness training is hard work, and to stay motivated over a long period of time you should be constantly trying new ways of keeping fit.



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Last modified: September 05, 2000

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