Principles of Fitness


1 Frequency of training

Improvement in fitness is directly related to the frequency of your exercise. In the early stages, four or five training sessions a week will stimulate a significant improvement in your fitness level.

Once you have achieved this level of activity and reached your planned level of fitness, three sessions a week will probably be sufficient to maintain fitness. Less the two sessions per week is of limited value.

2 Intensity of training

To improve fitness, your heart rate must be raised above its normal output, i.e. to between 70 and 85 per cent of its maximum capacity. This improvement is referred to as the "training zone" and will be explained more fully later on in the course.

You should push yourself - but not too hard. Always remember the "conversation test"; you should be able to talk to a buddy while running etc.

3 Duration of training

In the initial stages you should aim to exercise for at least 20 minutes within your "training zone". As you get fitter, you will be able to increase the duration up to 45 minutes. However, 20 minutes will be quite sufficient for a relatively unfit person.

4 Type of activity

You should include aerobic ("with oxygen") activity together with muscle strengthening and flexibility exercises. Aerobic activity (walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, rowing etc.) is the best type of exercise as it improves cardiovascular fitness and involves large muscle groups.

it's only pain

Benefits of fitness

When you're fit, you will:

  1. Have more energy
  2. Have fewer health disorders
  3. Improve your personal appearance
  4. Feel good


Starting out

It will help you enormously if you keep in mind some essential "principles of success".

1 Define you aim

Decide on exactly the level of fitness you wish to achieve. One of the reasons for drop-out is because of the lack of a well defined plan.

2 Set definitive targets

Write a clear, concise statement of your target and the time limit for its achievement. Make it realistic: fitness is a lifetime habit and it would be foolish to try to change the effects of a lifetime of neglect overnight. However, you will be amazed by the progress that you can achieve over a short period with a concentrated amount of effort.

3 Develop persistence

Most of us are good starters but poor finishers, prone to giving up at the first signs of defeat. We must gradually develop persistence to overcome temporary setbacks.

There is no substitute for persistence; we may lose the battle occasionally, but not the war. Remember: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going".

4 Total commitment

You must become totally committed to your aims and concentrate all your attention on achieving them. Learn how to commit yourself totally and without reservation.

5 Make time

Plan ahead and put down definite times for working out - don't leave it until it's "convenient". Because, that time never seems to come.

6 Team spirit

You must avoid those who are less committed than yourself. Gather as many positive thinkers around you as possible for mutual support. In the early stages try to work out with a group, and later develop a "buddy system" and work out with someone of similar ability.

7 Do it now

Putting things off leads to failure. The time will never be exactly right, so no matter what the circumstances do it now - even if you do not feel "ready".

8 Reward yourself

Nature will reward you for your efforts many times over in the long run, but in the short term give yourself some small rewards for targets achieved. Pleasure is a great motivator!





Last modified: September 05, 2000

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